Search for Gold - 24x36

Search for Gold - 24x36


Artist’s Notes


This piece may remind you of bark, but actually, it was inspired by taking a walk on old sidewalk after a rain. Pits filled with water and a glint of particles brought to life by the moisture made the surface come to life. Looking close at anything can totally transform what you see.


The layered nature of this piece makes each color a “team player” rather than a singular star. A custom blue mix and burnt sienna mix tones were laid down, then turquoise, gold leaf, black and white were added.


Initial layering on this piece was rolled on with a 4” roller, blending a back drop of cool and warm colors in place. Then palette knife and dry brush techniques were used to start forming the composition. Gold leaf was applied into wet paint at this point. Then top layers helping to hide portions of the gold were added. When the piece was entirely dry, crisp jagged outlines were added in black fine line.

Acrylic on gallery wrap canvas. Sides are painted, no frame required. 24” x 36” x 1.5”

Artist: D Otto

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